They don't believe it either.

A couple of topics today.

1.  They have apparently arrested a federal contractor for leaking Top Secret classified material to the press.   My only question is "is the chair still an option where she was arrested?"  or "would it be  by firing squad?"  Of course that may be a slight exaggeration, but if they get a conviction, they really need to maximize the sentence.  Nothing like a signal to other leakers.  In this case, they should fine the crap out of the contractor as well.

2.  We may get a ruling from the Supremes on President Trump's travel ban in December.  I highlighted previously why a challenge to this watered down ban is ridiculous.  Here is why it is too narrow.  The Manchester bombing and many other attacks in Europe have been committed by European born children of immigrants who have been radicalized.  Why is that important?  When it comes to Visas, it is not much harder for these terrorists in waiting to travel to the US than any other British or EU citizen.  There is no practical way to truly vet the refugees coming out of the nations currently on President Trump's EO.  And not being able to do so truly can put us at serious risk.

3. Algore has tried to rationalize how he was right in his fictional story "An Inconvenient Truth".  Here is the truth.  He said we had ten years to turn it around, otherwise it WOULD be TOO LATE!.  Well, those who enjoyed going  to Rush's website for the Algore Doomsday clock know that that ten years has come and gone.  The best that Algore could do was to point out the flooding from Hurricane Sandy.   This is consistent with the alarmists.  Every year they revise their projections to correct what they got wrong the previous year.  Every year they cook the numbers so that each year is the hottest on record.   If they really believed what they said about the sea levels rising, they would be buying land inland like crazy, and moving there.  I don't see the rich moving inland, nor industry.  Hmm.

4. Paris.  A bad deal for the US.  great for the subsidized industries, but for the average citizen of the US, electricity will skyrocket, as well as the cost of getting from point A to point B.  Don't worry, China has to start reducing their carbon output by 40%, STARTING IN 2030!  So, if they increase their carbon production by say 300% between now and 2030, that 40% reduction doesn't seem nearly as impressive, does it?  The same for India, Russia, and other producing nations.

5.  Whenever someone starts doing a Bill Nye on climate, ask them this:  What was the Maunder Minimum?  And why does it matter today?  While the severity of the upcoming Solar Minimum is disputed, no one disputes that it is coming.  No one disputes that the just ending Maximum was a very low activity period on the Sun.  What does it mean?  The era of the Maunder Minimum is also known as the Mini Ice Age.

6.  Lots of chatter on the President's proposal to privatize the Air Traffic System.  It was interesting last year, when NATCA, the controller's union, was cautiously supportive of the effort to go to a non-profit, non-governmental organization.  I am not sure that I agree with the privatization part.  Nav Canada, Canada's non profit, non governmental air traffic system, which is allegedly what the system will look like, is much smaller, and much more restrictive for usage.  Our system is unique, in that anyone that can scrape together the money can buy an aircraft, learn to fly, and use air traffic services as necessary.  Try that anywhere else in the world.  They are the ones that would be most hurt by this change.  Something does need to be done, the current system of waiting til the last minute for funding doesn't work for trying to modernize.  And it certainly doesn't work for airports that rely on funding from the mystical Aviation Trust Fund, to get projects.  It takes months to bid and hire contractors, and when you don't even have the money, or know when you will, that makes it way worse.  Privatization?  has its advantages, no one can dispute.  And many many disadvantages.  I care only to the extent that I have friends that will be impacted, and and that I still hop SWA or some other airline, and don't want a repeat of the Lockheed Flight Service debacle, except that this would involve controllers, not AFSS.  That would make Amtrak an appealing option.


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