A Traitorous Act of War

No, I am not writing about the Deep State leakers in the Administration, though I could be.  They need to be ferreted out and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They won't be fired, but sitting in prison, at least they won't be able to continue the leaks.

This was a statement by Tom Steyer, noted Democrat donor, and one of the chief cornerstones of the global warming cult.  What was he talking about?  Why the threat of President Trump pulling out of the Paris Agreement on, well whatever it is about.  I guess it is the redistribution from the US and Europe to other nations?  What it is certainly not about is Climate Change.  If it were, India, Russia, China, and other producing nations would have to be subject to the same rules as they are trying to impose on the US.  As it is, they don't have to do anything until 2030, at the soonest.

The President has an easy way out, and he should take it.  Submit the "Agreement" to the Senate as a Treaty,  and let them mull over it.  The Senate back in 93 passed the Framework, conditioned on any agreements put before the Senate. With Sen Schumer screaming about the disaster that awaits, let him take up the charge to get 67 votes to ratify it. There are many in his own caucus that will be problem enough.  Why?  Because they represent states that will be CRUSHED by the requirements of the Treaty, and they have to stand for reelection next year.  Want the list?

Joe Manchin WV     Coal State won by Trump
Bob Casey PA           Coal State won by Trump
Sherrod Brown OH  Coal State won by Trump
Heitkamp ND           Fracking State won by Trump
Tester MT                 Coal and Oil State won by Trump
Donnelly IN              Won by Trump
Nelson FL                 Won by Trump
McCaskill MO         Won by Trump
Baldwin WI              Won by Trump

Manchin has already shown a willingness to work with the President, and Heitkamp is pleading for the DNC to stop the Russia stuff and move on.  The others will be fights, and don't need a vote on the Treaty to haunt them regardless of how they vote.  Vote no, and the Progressives will primary them.  Vote yes, and the voters won't forget.

It is a win win for the GOP, AND it is the CONSTITUTIONAL thing to do.


  1. update, the President officially announced that we are out, and perhaps renegotiate it.


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