Where do we point blame?

Even though when Gabby Giffords was shot in Tucson and Senator Sanders tried to link all gun owners to the shooting, I would never link Senator Sanders' supporters to the shooting today.  Make sure you read to the end, otherwise, you may have a mistaken impression of my point.

Too soon to tell, but I guess, for once, the hopeful press was correct, in that it was not an ISIS inspired attack.  I am referring to the attack on GOP congress members practicing for an upcoming charity softball game.  It is reported that before opening fire, he asked one of them if they were Republicans or Democrats.   Rep Scalise R-LA is still in critical condition, and others were injured.

First, the media tried the gun control angle, but that was complicated by the shooter not only being a supporter of Senator Sanders,I-VT, but had worked on his campaign.  And if that wasn't enough, he was a climate alarmist to boot.  Democrats, Republicans, and the President for the most part did a good job coming together, at least for today.

We always hear about the Alt-Right, and the violence they bring, but the evidence would perhaps not agree.

In Portland, OR, a  Bernie supporter attacked 2 Muslim girls in an anti-Muslim rage.  It was big news, especially as apparently in the media, any anti-Muslim sentiment must be from the right.  When it came out that he was a Bernie Sanders', I-VT, supporter, well, it was buried.

If you recall, during the primary campaign last year, candidate Trump had to cancel a rally due to protesters (turns out they were paid for by Bernie Sanders', I-VT, supporters)

We hear about Milo, and about Ann Coulter, and the "hate" that they bring when they speak.  Yet it is never the supporters of these speakers that are hateful, it is the protesters that disrupt, that destroy, and injure people.  The supporters of these speakers usually only sit politely, or they try to protect the speaker.  I experienced this first hand when I took my kids to see Ann Coulter speak in the Alf Landon speaker series at KU.  The circus outside was bad enough.  But the morons inside that would shout, and throw things were great examples of  how the left acts.  Of course, when someone has done their research as Ann has, you can't argue, and so all you can do is throw your fit.

Speaking of Socialism on display, the prediction that I made regarding the excuses for Venezuela is pretty much coming true.  Venezuela, that laboratory of socialism, is in its final death throes.  And surprisingly enough, it turns out that the drive by media said that it isn't socialism that is the problem.  It is populism!  Of course, that is a way to try to link the likes of the President of the United States to that crash and burn.  Not sure why they think it will work, but if I had to guess, it is because they desperately needed a truly Socialist country to succeed.  Socialism ALWAYS involves a gun, no matter how benevolent it may seem at the beginning. And for the record, it started with a gun in Venezuela.

Socialism only works on a chalk board.  When you bring humans into the equation, it fails.  Turns out your models of people producing at the same level when you increase their tax burden to 90% are incorrect.

If you were wondering.  The I listed as the party for Senator Sanders, I-VT, states that he is NOT a Democrat, but a Democratic Socialist.  Though he did run for the nomination of the Democrat party.

Mr. Hodgkinson was quite possibly suffering from mental illness, but if you read his writings, it sounded an awful lot like the daily discourse against the President in the media.  So to say that he was mentally ill would mean, what?  Even though I have pointed out some unfortunate coincidences that could tie him to Senator Sanders, the truth is, he was an individual, and he alone was accountable for his actions.  That should be the nature of a free society.   

For the central planners of socialism, the sins of an individual ARE the sins of society.  For me, I would say that he acted on his own, and has paid the price for his act.  There are too many references of violence in our political discourse.  Too often we go to hurling epithets at each other, rather than granting the benefit of the doubt, and assuming the best of our political opponents.  Who will be the first to change, or will they?  Time only will tell. 


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