John Wilkes Depp- and Healthcare too

Nothing like rhetorically asking if there would be a starring role in a reprise of Ford's Theater.  Good job, Cry-Baby (1990 film).  I think  Depp is a great actor, but crossed the line on this.  Entertainers too often want to be heard, but when they cross the line, they fall back on being...entertainers.

For the record, the Patient Affordable Care Act (Ocare) has NOT been changed, has NOT had anything stripped from it, and is STILL the law of the land,  
-Insurers were bailing from the exchanges long before President Trump was inaugurated, and continue to do so.
-Deductibles are so high that it is nearly pointless to have insurance, even with the premium subsidies.
-Legal Penalties are not sufficient to force people into the exchanges. Actuarial tables are wrecked.
-Waivers to businesses to not provide group insurance force more people into the exchanges.  Waivers granted by President Obama, FYI.
-Medicaid covers the majority of people signing up, many of whom were eligible for Medicaid before.  Studies have shown that with Ocare, there has been no reduction of ER visits by Medicaid patients.  

As much as the House bill was Ocare-Lite, the Senate bill could be called Ocare-Redux.

It is dead in the Senate, at least for now.  Senator McConnell R-KY has promised a vote before the July 4 recess.  As it stands, he won't even get a majority.  Senators Paul R-KY, Lee R-UT, and Cruz R-TX, have confirmed that as is, they are nays.  Also, Senator Heller R-NV, has said he would be a nay vote, but he is up for re-election as the only Republican running in a state won by Secretary Clinton.  Ever desiring to keep their majority, A GOP leaning Super PAC has promised a multi-million dollar campaign against Senator Heller.

Two problems
1. The GOP voted for a clean repeal in 2015.  Why not now?  Because they knew President Obama would veto? And that President Trump might not?  This exposes their hypocrisy.
2. Health care is NOT A RIGHT!  For the GOP to propose any kind of national healthcare bill, other than repeal, cedes the ground to those who feel it is perfectly fine to ENSLAVE Doctors, Nurses, other Healthcare personnel, or, the Taxpayers that have to pony up for it..

I still haven't heard from my Congresswoman, Lynn Jenkins R-KS.  She voted for the 2015 bill, and has not explained to me, or anyone why they can't vote for the same now.

In the Senate, they may be able to twist Heller's arm, but there is no way they are going to get Paul or Lee to vote on it as is.  They can lose three, and VP Pence could break the tie, but that would be even worse than what the Democrats did in 2010.

Be completely above board on this, GOP.  Sen. McConnell and Speaker Ryan need to go on the Sunday shows and be transparent about why they voted for repeal before, but not now.

Ask Senator Schumer D-NY if they want to propose amendments to Ocare.  When they don't, then be public on this attempt.  Is the GOP so afraid to govern that they have to do the deals in secret, like the Democrats in 2010?  And, if for some reason, they do, let there be legitimate debate.  If he won't play, then put the repeal on the table, and be done with it.  If you can't get a majority to repeat what you did in 2015, then you DON'T deserve to govern.

Make them OWN it, GOP!  Make the Democrats play, or fold, and be very public about the result.


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