Et tu Brute?

It's not the Ides of March, but one could say it is the Ides of President Trump's first term.  And guess what.

You have to think that with Representatives Nadler (D-NY) and Schiff (D-CA) starting to call into question Mueller and his investigation, it is likely that there will not be the big reveal leading to impeachment of the President, Vice President, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, and there won't be a Mueller led lynching.  The Democrats will have to do it on their own, (which being Democrats shouldn't be too hard, lynching always was a favorite of theirs)

But, wait, it gets so much better.

Andrew McCabe, fired Assistant Director of the FBI has said that yes, indeed, there were numerous discussions on ways to get Trump out of office.   Remember McCabe?  Fired the day before he was eligible to retire?  He was the Andy referred to in the Strzok-Page texts.  Why?  He had a Plan B, which like its  abortifacient namesake, was intended to abort the Trump Presidency.  Who were Strzok and Page?

Strzok was an FBI agent working on Mueller's team, and equally important, on the Hillary Clinton email investigation.  He was fired.

Page was an FBI attorney, and having an affair with Strzok.  She was in deep on both investigations.  Their communications were exposed when it came out that they were not objective when it came to Trump.

McCabe has admitted that they had numerous discussions about how to get rid of President Trump, after the unbelievable fact that he won.  Let that sink in. 

Many in the upper levels of the FBI and DOJ were actively plotting a coup against the President.

And those texts between Page and Strzok?  Were they just the cute little things that people that really hate someone would say?  Fantasy?  Page testified to Congress, that no, they were serious about getting Trump out.

Did I mention that there were also emails between DoJ and the Department of State on soft pedaling the seriousness of the charges against the former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton? 

This isn't some right wing conspiracy fantasy, these are facts.

No one has been charged, which is telling in itself.  Documents which could be declassified haven't been, which is within the President's wheelhouse to do.  We will see if there are any changes with a new Attorney General.  Doubtful.  Anything else?

Oh, the FISA warrant, to spy on all sorts of people and to get access to all sorts of phone conversations.  How did they get that?  They coordinated the DNC and Hillary campaign sourced Trump Dossier, put together by a Trump hater.  They leak it to the press, who then report it, and the FBI uses the news report to collaborate the truthfulness of the dossier, took it to a court, vouched for the piece of garbage, and hocus pocus, instant warrant.

As McCabe peddles his book about how he single handedly tried to save the Republic, just remember this one little thing (besides the fact that he was fired for not being truthful, and possibly referred for criminal prosecution).

His wife received hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign cash from Clinton Inc in her failed campaign for the state legislature.  

It is way past time for an Inquisition at the Department of Justice.  Not the rank and file, but everyone in the upper levels may need to be swept out.


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