Remember what they are saying now, as it is what they mean.

Dear Independent, Libertarian, or non-socialist Democrat,

You gotta hate what you are looking at in 2020, right?  I mean, for some reason, Trump appears to be the only sane choice, and who wants that?  The vitriol hurled at Howard Schultz for thinking of running as an independent is real, and the thing is, I am not sure it ends with a Trump victory.  Here is what I know happens, and this is why you all should be playing very close attention.

If you are new to the Lib, let me take a moment and walk through my progression in 2016.

I supported Rand Paul.  If he were to switch parties and run as the LP candidate in 2020, I would be there in a heartbeat.  What a pun actually, an eye doctor running in 2020?  After Paul.. 

I switched to Senator Cruz.  Senator Cruz is a little "too conservative, not libertarian" for me, but better than Trump, or so I thought.  When it was obvious that Kasich was doing all he could to keep Cruz out (likely thinking there was no way that the GOP would nominate Trump) I realized that what the GOP did with their majority in the House and Senate was the future of the party, and not the path that they say they support when asking for money.  So...

I hopped on the Johnson bandwagon.  He had a path, if not to victory, at least to being a power broker, and he blew it.  For some reason, he thought that he could actually win a race to 270.  There was no way that was going to happen, and as it turned out, with Trump winning states like PA, MI, and WI, there was no chance even the limited path I imagined could have worked.  What broke it for me with Johnson was his desire to bring in the federal jack booted thugs to squelch religious liberty.  So I was left with...

Trump.  I hoped that he would be the bull in the china shop, breaking everything in what we now call the Deep State, that he referred to as the Swamp.  So far, it is a stalemate.  He hasn't been beaten, but they are also fighting tooth and nail to tear him down.  On the way he has reduced regulation, he has nominated mostly excellent judges, and while they overstate the tax reform, it is better than it was.  I, as most libertarians should be, in balance, am more pleased than not with him.

The Green New Deal

Kimberly Strassell of the Wall Street Journal stated that the "Green New Deal" read as if the GOP's greatest fantasy was written and handed to the Democrats, and boy are the mainstream Dems in DC hitting the panic button.  Democrats vying for the presidential nomination not only are not rejecting it, they are signing on in lockstep.  This wonderful work, similar in vein to Mein Kampf, is the handiwork of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC).  It is so bad that her people are out in full spin mode trying to make it sound like the FAQ on her website was not real, that it was a hit job by the GOP to make her look stupid.  Well, she doesn't need any help to look stupid, and the FAQ was on her website, until it was taken down for the stupidity that it was.  How stupid?

Eliminate all fossil fuel production and usage in the US in 10 years.
Eliminate air travel  (this was one of the things that they tried to say wasn't there, it was)
Remodel all buildings to be energy efficient for the new grid.
High Speed rail coast to coast and everywhere in between.  One need only look at the High Speed project in California, which is bogged down by environmental impact studies, cities wanting to be added (eliminating the High Speed part) and billions over budget, and not a single train has even been put on the drawing board.
A government job for all. And for those that can't, or are UNWILLING to work, a stipend  Yes, it said that.
Massive taxes on the rich  anywhere from a 70-90% marginal rate on the ill-defined "Rich"  and a wealth tax.

How to pay for it?  No pretense.  Print more money.  Period.  If you haven't heard about Weimar Germany, where it took a wheelbarrow of Marks to buy a loaf of bread, it is happening now in Venezuela.  1,000,000% inflation.    They say we don't have inflation here, but whoever said that hasn't seen the reduced amounts in foods for the same price, and when they can't reduce the size, they just jack up the price.  We have inflation, largely as a result of the flood of money over the last several DECADES, it just hasn't manifest as the US is the safest game in town.  IF that ever changes...

Who supports this? Senators Kamala Harris (D-CA), Cory Booker (D-NJ), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and no doubt others before the primaries start have all ENTHUSIASTICALLY endorsed the Green New Deal.

Why do I bring this up?  Because they are true believers, and when the primary is done, and whoever is the survivor will likely make a big turn to the middle, they will wink and say that they had to say those things and support that thing because of the primaries but they don't really support them.  IT IS A LIE!  They not only support it, they LOVE it!    So when they come looking for your vote, just remember that their swoon to the middle is done with fingers crossed.


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