Gone Galt, sort of.

If you want to know my political thoughts, you are going to have to come to the SnakeRiverLib to find them.  I reached my limit on Facebook.  No more sharing articles that matter, no more pointing out what should be the obvious to people to either ignore, or block.  How long will it last?  I am hopeful that it is permanent.  You can expect to find shorter pieces, or maybe the random takes with a little of each.

And what better way to start Black History Month, or as I like to say, "How have the Dems screwed them this time" Month, then a short history.

Before the Civil War, the Democrat Party was on full display with a unanimous supreme court ruling, Dred Scott.  That blacks are never, "human", or if that is too much for you, "free".

Look, I won't apologize for slavery.  It was an unfortunate part of our history and while nothing can repay the lives of slaves that lived and died, were abused, murdered, and sold as cattle.  But as a nation, we had a war to decide the future of this horrible process.  Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost to pay that price.  Our nation purged this practice.

What happened after the Civil War?  Reconstruction.  When blacks proudly served in the legislatures, Congress, and many other positions as freemen.  This was done, by the way, over the voices of a certain party that shall remain nameless.  But then, reconstruction ended, troops removed, and then what?

Blacks were swept out of office, swept out of polling places, "put in their place".  Want to guess the party there?  Same as above.

Polling taxes, literacy tests, and the Klan.  Party?  Yeah, you have probably figured it out by now.

Separate but Equal?

Jim Crow laws?  You know, don't you?

Lynching?  Yeah,

First attempt at Civil Rights legislation?  Eisenhower tried, want to know the obstructionist party then?

Second attempt, which party broke the filibuster to allow it to pass?  Not the party above.

And to add insult to injury, they began a pattern of affirmative action, based on the principle (not my belief, but theirs) that blacks are unable to get anywhere without preferences established for them, this principle has expanded to the point where everyone adds up their "victim" points to see who is the most victimized.

And all during this time, a truly monstrous evil was afoot in the inner cities.  An evil that survives and thrives to this day, with the support of those who claim to champion African Americans, even those supposed "Civil Rights" leaders of today,  Calypso Louie, Sharpton, Jackson.  This evil's intent was to eliminate the "undesirables" of this nation.  They were involved in their early years with not only providing their service, but sterilizing the women while there, unbeknownst to the "patient".  Nathan Bedford Forrest never dreamed that someone would not only champion genocide of blacks, but that blacks would support that genocide.

And now that they have them back on Uncle Sam's plantation, they hunt down the escapees mercilessly.  They are branded as traitors, cowards, and worst of all "oreos"  (black on the outside, white on the inside)  Wonder who does that.

What I don't understand is why, after a century and a half of this abuse, blacks still vote with the Democrat party in a block as solid as any, upwards of 90% or more.


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