The Green New Deal, same as the old New Deal?

I will get to the subject in a minute, but wanted to just highlight a subject that is very controversial.

Martina Navratilova, famous tennis player and spokesperson for not only feminism, but for the LGBT community as well, spoke out in December on allowing  Trans Women to compete in female sports.  After getting creamed on social media for such a backwards cavewoman opinion, she promised she would do some research to be better informed on this issue.  She did.

Her research caused her to conclude that she had underestimated the impact on women sports by allowing men to compete as women.  Men as in the biological sense, most of whom had waited until after puberty to change, or rather to identify as a woman.  Muscle and skeletal structure had been established, and no amount of estrogen or testosterone blockers could erase that.   After decades of being a spokeswoman for the community, she has been thrown out.  How dare she say that a man is a man is a man?  I think the term the Transgender community uses is TERFing.  Apparently the LGBT universe is not universal.

President Trump announced that the US Government is going to work to decriminalize homosexuality globally. For that he was roundly trounced by the LGBT media.  Funny, but unlike past presidents, Trump has always been supportive of homosexual rights.

I don't mean to offend, or upset anyone with this, but as a political observer, I can't help but mention it.  It is controversial, and while not meant to offend, it is likely that it will.  I am sorry.

And now the main event.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (DS-NY) has a new plan.  A "Green New Deal".  It is the stuff of socialist fantasy, and it is unbelievable that serious candidates for the Democrat presidential nomination are accepting it.  This "Green New Deal" promises everything that every Democrat and slave on their plantation could dream of: 
*The VA adapted to be universal health care (with the same result, EXCEPT that there will be no private sector health care to turn to when people die in the tens of millions due to neglect. 
*An income for those that are unwilling to work, See there is that plantation fantasy.  Almost like the old plantation owners in the South, talking about how they provide for their slaves. Except this slavery only requires a vote every two years.
*Elimination of Air Travel.  But hey, High Speed Rail. (that can't be high speed if it has to stop frequently)  How'd that work out for California?  It didn't, and it won't, as they have scrapped the program and are now facing having to repay the seed money to the feds. Some 2 billion dollars.
*Elimination of fossil fuels to produce energy.  Because solar and wind will be able to provide the 24/7 electricity requirements.  Especially adding in the massive drain of electric cars being plugged in.
*Rebuilding infrastructure, including buildings to be much more energy efficient.
*The printing of money to pay for it all. (in Venezuela and other nations, including post WWI Germany did this, and it required a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread, assuming that loaf could be had.)  By the way, this is bipartisan, and in spite of all Presidents and candidates promising to do something about it, it has just gotten worse.

And why does she call it the "Green New Deal"  Well, of course it is in honor of FDR's New Deal that extended a down turn in the stock market that was recovering into a ten year depression, that was relieved only by WWII.  Yup, FDR put the Great in the Great Depression.  They love FDR.  So, even though at the dawn of WWII, every economic measure we use today was worse in 1940 than in 1932.  But they love him.  Just have to remember that it always seems nice to start.  Here is a minute to add on to your reading, gotta love Ian Malcom.

Yup, it starts great. I am your friend, I just want to help.  Some of the results?
Minimum wage, purposely written to ice out black unskilled laborers.
Davis Bacon, which forced contractors to pay union wages, again, icing out contractors that brought in cheap labor, frequently black.
Banning the buying and selling of gold, other than jewelry.
Soup kitchens, unemployment lines, (not for federal government employees though)  On and on.  Oh, and I almost forgot,  the reason that this clicked for me, and of course, it is historical.
It was 77 years ago yesterday, that FDR signed Executive Order 9066, which rounded up anyone of Japanese descent, whether citizen or not, and put them into camps.  An order which was upheld by the now pliable for FDR Supreme Court.

But they love him.  They hold him in the highest esteem (well, maybe not higher than Margaret Sanger, founder of the genocidal Planned Parenthood.)  AOC named her plan the same as his.

I will say that I am grateful for her, and for all the Democrat presidential candidates signing on.  There is now a clear choice.  NO waffling, no yeahbuts.  All in for some faceless, unelected bureaucrat deciding your life, (even more than now) or something less.


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