And now for a break from our programming.

No, PP is not on the schedule for tonight.  Although, like the History Channel, and the Knights Templar, you never know how you may work them into the equation.

A federal judge has ordered a Kentucky county clerk to jail for refusing to issue wedding licenses to same sex couples.  I have mixed feelings on this, or rather I should say that I HAD mixed feelings on this, because as a court officer, she has an obligation to uphold the law.  So why HAD, and not have?  If this were a case of just registering the documents, then I would agree that she should have done that.  However, her name is affixed to each license, showing her tacit approval.  Listening to O'Reilly tonight as I was driving home from Boise, he gave me a reason to change my mind.   He said she was the duly elected clerk  and since she was voted in, she had an obligation.  I would say that the same people that voted her in probably also voted to ban gay marriage.  So what about that obligation?  No matter, she will probably be in jail on contempt for some time, a political prisoner being held by the government of the United States on account of her religious beliefs.  So, dear reader, if you are consistent, then I would presume that you:

Expect the mayors and law enforcement chiefs of self proclaimed sanctuary cities to be imprisoned on contempt for ignoring federal law?

Feel the President should be held on contempt charges for, and there are a lot of these:

Disregarding federal immigration laws?
Manufacturing bankruptcy rules for GM and Chrysler that screwed, not stock holders, but secured dept holders out of their bite of the bankrupt companies apples'?
Disregarding the Defense of Marriage Act before it was ruled partially unconstitutional?
307,000 deaths of Veterans at the hands of the VA?  (only three people fired)
Selectively implementing the Affordable Care Act so as to minimize political damage to his party?

For sake of space I will stop there.

The issue of the Republican party being the party of racists also came up.  The guest brought up of course, the usual suspects.

The Southern Strategy
Strom Thurmond, (former democrat segregationist who amended his ways, and joined the GOP)
Jessie Helms see above.
code words like Voter ID laws ( you know, designed to maintain the integrity of the ballot box, so that all legitimate votes count.)

Of course, what they didn't bring up is more telling;

That a black person can't move up on their own without liberal whitey's help.
That now that hispanics have replaced the blacks as the largest minority, a party is selling the blacks down the river in regards to jobs, and the ability to get up, by encouraging the legalization of a whole new minority to replace them.  I guess they have them so whipped that they know they have their votes.
Oh, and genocide through abortion and self sterilization.  See it was the Knights Templar, I mean PP!


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