Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God that which is God's.

How many times have we heard that Christ would advocate the programs the government has to feed the poor?  How many times have we heard that if we are truly Christian, we wouldn't mind paying our fair share to help those that need it?

This issue is generating a lot of buzz right now with the Pope visiting the US.  Of course he is a social justice crusader, and argues that more should be done to help the poor in this world.  He has also advocated being good stewards of the environment.  There has been a lot of pressure to turn this into a political crusade, using the Church as a sword to advance an agenda.  Where is Barry Lynn, of the group Americans United for the Separation of Church and State?  In editing, I realized that that is a great question.

The Pope had a few words for the intense pressure being brought to bear on his support for the progressive agenda.  Very simply, he said "I'm no lefty".  So to remind you of what the media is not emphasizing here are a couple of policies that the Pope has advanced;

He has been a strong advocate for marriage being defined as between a man and a woman, and that is the extent of the marriage definition.  No grayness, no yeabuts, no nothing.  Marriage between a man, and a woman.

He is also staunchly Pro-Life.  The Catholic Church teaches that life begins at conception.  If you teach that belief, then how do you make exceptions ever, once a woman knows she is pregnant? That is a good question.

He stands behind the discouragement of the use of contraceptives.  Try to view that in the light of the administration attacking the nuns who are refusing to provide contraception in their order for the nuns, due to it being against their church, and beliefs.

The Pope, also knowing that religious liberty is under attack has spoken out.    Interestingly enough, the President went on a charade where he said that he supported religious liberty in this country.  Interesting how he shows that support.  Maybe he was the one in mind when they said "with friends like you, who needs enemies?"

The President speaking today referenced God again, and again.  Paging Barry Lynn?  For the record, I don't have a problem with referencing God,  it is appropriate. I however, don't believe the President, and like I said before, he is focusing on the Pope's words about climate and social justice for his own purpose.  Lots of talk of mercy,  I wonder how much mercy PP shows when they poke the scissors into the skull of the baby while in delivery and vacuum out the brains to collapse the skull?

So, going beyond the Pope, to answer the questions that I started with, the answers are fairly easy.

Christ never advocated for the government to take from some to give to another.  He taught that people should give their alms to the poor, not the government.  If private charities, funded by private individuals and corporations had the same ratio of administrative to operation costs the government has, no one would donate to them.  On the average, only 15 cents out of every dollar spent makes it out the bottom end, to those that they are trying to help.

Those on the right are far more generous on average in their alms to the poor than those on the left.  Being charitable is not having the government forcibly take money from you to give to someone else.  And it certainly doesn't mean unleashing the forces of government on others for them to have their resources taken and then giving them to someone else.

So my question on greed;  Why is it greed for me to keep what I have earned, but it is not greed for you to want to keep what I have earned?


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