Randomly thinking

Glenn Beck has spoken today about a potential Rubio/Fiorina ticket.  I am a little nervous about the motives of Rubio.  He was an amnesty supporter before he was against it.  No, he was against amnesty before he was in the Senate, swapped, and has swapped again.  I would one up Glenn on the SecTreas in a Rubio cabinet;  Not Rand Paul, but Ron Paul. I have always been intrigued by the thought and the need to put some reins on Ron.  Not anymore.  Let him loose, grab the popcorn, and enjoy.

As a reminder, 40 Democratic and 2 Independent Senators have voted to push Israel to reach out to Russia.  Along with the Saudis, the Jordanians, and the Egyptians.

I am interested by the strategy of Rand Paul.  Everyone thinks he is doing poorly. In the media, perhaps.  However, like his father, I think he is more concerned with building a ground game.  I think that people will be surprised when we start talking about an actual election.

The genocidal Planned Parenthood is starring again in the GOP discussions, both on the campaign trail, and in Congress.  Just remember that it is the President willing to shut down the government, not the Congress.  Of course we have those squishy GOPers that will probably vote to continue the genocide within our borders.  McCain (R-AZ) has announced he is not willing to take a stand to save the black race.

I just heard Dr. Carson speak at the Heritage Action conference in South Carolina, and he made a very good point.  Would we have the issue with illegal, and legal immigration for that matter, if there was no assistance available?  Over half of those that come to this country, illegal or otherwise, are on some sort of needs based assistance.  Those open borders types would say that that isn't possible, as it is against the law.  Excuse me, but isn't it illegal for them to be here?  Does the law really matter to them?  Hmmm

Rather than just confiscate the remittances that are sent to Mexico, as Trump suggests, I think a tax on those remittances would work.  Does it punish the poor disproportionately?  Well, as they are sending the money off  to their relatives, I would say, "why doesn't Mexico provide for their poor like we provide for their poor? "  I know, do unto others and all that.  Well, how about this.  The government takes from me to provide for them, shouldn't the government take from them to provide for them? Just remember that a significant percentage of Mexican citizens live in the US. (from 15-25%)

Is it too harsh to compare Planned Parenthood with the Nazis?  No.  Want me to say why?  Nazis wanted to exterminate Jews, and other undesirables, Planned Parenthood wants to exterminate blacks and other undesirables.  (otherwise, they would renounce Margaret Sanger, like the Soviets did with Stalin, and the Germans with Hitler)

I saw that Tennessee is trying to pass a law defining natural marriage, and the law would disregard any court ruling.  Here is an easier answer Tennessee.  Instead of handing out marriage licenses, allow people to either self declare their marriage, if they don't have a church to perform it, or a certificate from their church leader acknowledging the marriage.  I have thought a lot about this, and think that rather than the havoc caused by deleting marriage from the legal lexicon, this concept would have the advantage of letting those who want to be considered married do so without the granting of a license by the state.  what thinkest thou?

All over the place.


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