
Showing posts from October, 2016

Thinking on the wild side.

Too long to post in a facebook post, in my opinion.  Not a long one here, but wanted to get this out, just in case. I mentioned previously that the polling perplexed me.  That something seems wrong.  No, I didn't, and won't break down those polls, and most will say at this point that other than 20% that has already voted, there is substantial agitation in the water.  I would say that the pre-Comey announcement polls are out. I loved Trey Gowdy's response to the dishonorable Senator from Nevada, Harry Reid's letter, accusing the man he just praised a few months ago. Being Mormon, I didn't mind the inference, because most know that it is not true. Make no mistake that Hillary would not be in this position, if she had followed the rules that ALL federal employees are accountable for.  She did this to herself. I know, milquetoast.  So check this out.  Referring to the polling above. What if, there w...

The reason I could no longer support Johnson.

Did the title catch you?  I wanted to write a moment, to link an historical event to the events of today. First, historical. On this date in 1838, the Governor of Missouri, Lilburn Boggs, issued the Extermination Order, declaring the Mormons a menace, and that they would either be driven out of the state, or killed.  Yes, you read that correctly, driven out or killed.  Governor Bond rescinded the order in 1976.  Missouri was on the frontier, and sparsely populated.  The Mormons were not without blame, posing a political threat to the old citizens.  Of course, after the Mormons were literally driven out of the state, and their leaders taken into custody, no one sought to kill them anymore, so it was symbolic more than anything.  Of course, what happened then does not reflect on the good citizens of Missouri today. It was a terrible time in the US.  Brother against brother.  Missouri was to become a bloody front in the Civil War. So why...

Yes, election thoughts.

I know that I said no more, but it really is that important, and I think most people dropped it after the Trump non endorsement support.  A few thoughts. $675,000 from McAuliffe's PAC to the wife of an FBI official, ostensibly for her election "campaign".  Soon after, he is promoted to the #3 slot at FBI, and then Deputy Director, overseeing the Clinton email investigation. That is what you need to know.  For those that don't, Governor McAuliffe, was the DNC chair during the Clinton days.  Very close friend to the Clintons.  So $675, 000, plus on behalf of the Virginia Democrat party another $200,000 and change, and uh, guess what? NO CHARGES against Madam Secretary.  Utah seems to be showing some love for McMullin, I suspect that a good deal of it is that he has character.  Of course many in UT see the little m by his name in the paper, (mormon) , and say, "hmm, good guy, good family, not Trump.",  and "We can show that GOP establishmen...

Thank goodness for the Patient Affordable Care Act.

The administration admitted today that huge increases in premiums are coming to a site near you. The good news?  I am trying to be objective, after all.  More people than ever are "insured".  Of course there are qualifiers.  Most of the people signing up were probably eligible for Medicaid to start with.  That is right.  We wrecked the private health care market, threw billions down all sorts of bottomless pits of bureaucracies, so that people that could have had Medicaid, now have Medicaid. More good news?  We have created a whole new class of law  breakers.  Remember, you are REQUIRED   to have insurance.  If you don't, by definition, you are a LAWBREAKER , a criminal.   Since the healthy are not signing up, the numbers are screwed, thus the massive increases in premiums.  (remember, they were supposed to go DOWN on the average, by $2500) The best part?  It's not even fully implemented.  I...

Time to run with the Bull

Probably the last post regarding the election until the aftermath, while reserving the right to comment if something drastic, as defined by me, happens. It is my blog. Not having true libertarian principles, and not focusing his campaign on a winnable strategy, Gary Johnson no longer has my support.  I was an idealist, and if nothing else, have become a committed libertarian, so I thank the two major parties for that, if nothing else. Can you imagine, if the GOP had put up someone like Rand Paul ?  How different the discussion would be. Or if the Libertarian Party had put up Austin Petersen , a true libertarian? I have made the case against Donald Trump for the past year.  I feel that I have been fair, and objective. Let me first say that the new revelations about him are no surprise, or shouldn't be to anyone.  The fact that NBC aided and abetted him in his alleged sexual assaults is not getting the play it deserves. Hillary is a monster.  She believ...

Don't know what to title it.

Three questions; 1. Who is your state representative?  Not Congress or Senate, but your statehouse rep?  and, 2. How is a President elected?  Most know by now that it is the Electoral College that makes the selection.  Here is a nice take on it from back in the day; So, not entirely accurate.  As we found out in 2000. and, 3. How do we make sure what is happening doesn't happen again?  (Assuming that there are future Presidential elections)  Our votes for President are technically meaningless (except NE and ME, whose State Constitutions spell out how the electors vote) That is right.  A candidate could win 100% of the vote, (or 110% of the vote in Democrat controlled states) and the Electors could go the other way.  Not likely, of course, but there is nothing to stop them from doing that. In 2000, after going back and forth all night on FL, the networks finally went with what the votes...

What has happened to this country?

WikiLeaks has released so much information that a candidate that was not the favorite of the media would be done.  The latest? So the Hillary campaign, coordinating with the DNC, hired thugs to disrupt Trump rallies.  How do we know? Heads have rolled at the DNC.  Fairness abounds. Postal workers posting that they are destroying Republican ballots. Registrars are destroying the registrations of Republicans.  The dead have been linked to absentee ballots.  But no voter  fraud? I was a little surprised that there were no comments on my last Ontherim blog. I have seen writings indicating that Evan McMullin is a Hillary plant. I doubt that, but his path to the Presidency is even more tenuous than Johnson's, and more likely to turn the keys to the White House to Hillary.  He draws no one from Clinton.  Speaking of Johnson When pollsters ask the question who do you prefer as President, Clinton or Trump, no one else can even be considered. ...

Should a tax payment be required to vote?

When this nation was  founded, blacks were slaves in most cases, but they weren't the only slaves.  Many people were released from debtors prison in exchange for a defined term of indentured servitude.  For all the talk of Chivalry, women were considered practically property, with few rights. Who could vote when the Constitution was implemented?  For the most part, it was property owners. Of course we know what happened after the Civil War.  In the South all sorts of requirements were laid out to keep blacks from exercising their vote.  Poll Taxes, Literacy Tests (with grandfathered exceptions for poor whites) Intimidation, and other things. Never mind which party was that party. Yeah, you know.  (NOT GOP)   Of course, to listen today, one would think that we are back to those days, by requiring a photo ID to vote.   Burning crosses=Photo ID.  That is what they are selling. Today, a poll demonstrated that Millenials believe that Geo...

Dems hoping for a squashed turnout. No matter what they say

Planned Parenthood celebrates 100 years of genocide.  Polls indicate that an overwhelming majority of people support BANNING abortion after 20 weeks.  Hillary?  If the baby hasn't crowned, then bring on the scissors.  Who is out of step?  Evil. Besides their body part business on the side, there is this that Hillary and the Democrats have fought so hard for . monstrous.  There is no description that can describe this. Moving on. Probably a mistake to highlight Bill's affairs.  Absolutely spot on to highlight Women's champion Hillary for her defense of a child rapist, smearing the child.   SMEARING THE CHILD! .  Not to mention that she had a hand in silencing Bill's women for who knows how many years.  Those that couldn't be bought were humiliated, their families shamed.  Anything for power.  ANYTHING for POWER! Evan Mcmullin is getting a lot of pay.  An incredible young...

Defending Trump. what? what?

Drudge said "Trump vs the World.  I say it is THE PEOPLE vs DC! If you have read here, you know how much pain it causes me to make a case for Trump. No wonder the GOP is hurting as a brand, as a party, and a political force.  It is because they SUCK at politics, and governing!  Of course, easy for me to observe, no longer a member of the GOP, but I think most people I know will tend to agree with what I am saying. It is a lengthy post, as I want to provide depth, but here is the short version. Trump won the primary.  He was Trump then, he is Trump now.  A newcomer to politics, he appeals to  THE PEOPLE for that reason.  He is not beholden to the party.  In fact, the party tried to keep him out.  Did I mention that Trump jumped through all the hoops and won?  The only thing the party can take comfort in is that he defeated the hated Ted Cruz.  Combine that with them getting Cruz on board as they are jumping off, and they se...

Can America win in the debate tonight?

Drudge has the headline correct.  Trump vs The World. NBC held this footage until their employer's candidate, Hillary Clinton, was soon to reach a no win point.  She did, and after knowingly allowing harassment, and assault in the quest for ratings, have dumped probably only the first of many cuts. No doubt CNN (Clinton News Network) hosting the debate will do everything possible to paint Trump in a bad light, and will also do their diligence to run cover for Clinton.  We saw it in the VP debate, and have no reason to expect otherwise. Trump will have to come off; knowledgeable, likable, and be able to answer in a way that will convince people that his vulgarity doesn't matter.  His supporters have demonstrated that they will go to long lengths to excuse his actions.  I get it.  The GOP nominated a bad candidate, and really, they are stuck with him. So, for the record.  I have mentioned any number of times that if you are an elected Republican,...

Wave the Blue Dress!

I have been thinking all day about the monstrosities that have been revealed in the past few days, and what is to come. What has astounded me is the vitriol surrounding the Trump people towards those they desperately need.  Not sure that is a good idea.  And scaring away the people that are vital to victory seems like a bad plan to me. No, Trump is not running for Pastor, Pope, Rabbi, Bishop, or whatever your ecclesiastical authority may be.  I get that.  I also know that we as a nation have been teetering, and that people have shown that they will follow their leader.  We had a big spender in W, and with a GOP congress that had been elected to put the country on a path to fiscal balance, we spent like Democrats. (Reagan said that to compare to Drunken sailors was an insult to the sailors)  Under the divider pretending to be a uniter, we are more divided than ever, the Democrats spent like Democrats, and then the Republicans put up token resistance in 2...

I sure picked a bad time to stop sharing politics.

I am definitely relating Lloyd Bridges in Airplane.  If you don't remember, or for some sad reason you haven't seen it, Lloyd Bridges is the Chief Controller, and to follow the stereotypes, he progresses from "picking a bad week to stop smoking cigarettes" to ultimately "stop sniffing glue" . Why do I mention that?  Because every since I gave up sharing other posts, so many things have happened that I wanted to comment on, but am working hard to not.  Seriously, we can only pray that the madness stops at the election, but I suspect that no matter who wins, that the rancor and hate will only continue. I wonder how the media would react if Trump treated a female moderator like Kaine did last night?  Of course, I don't mean a Fox News female, because to liberals, if you are not hard core liberal feminist, then you don't count.  I mean Gwen Ifill, or someone like that. Why does Trump and Pence shy away from the comments that Putin is a stronger l...

Should we care? Yes. Will we?

I find it very interesting that the desperation in the Clinton camp is soooo apparent, that they are not even trying to hide it anymore.  The New York Times (one of many dedicated PR organs for the Clinton camp) reports that Trump had a disastrous year in 1995, and may still be reaping the tax consequences today.  Legally.  That is the key word in this whole scheme. L-E-G-A-L-L-Y.  Trump's people should be all over it.  They should point out that what he did was legal, ethical, and moral, according to current tax policy, and that a CEO that didn't would be fired for failing to do his or her job.  It is what every other corporation or person does in similar circumstances, and use it as an example of why the tax code needs to be reformed.  None of those supporting Clinton want it.  Warren Buffet bemoaning how little he pays in taxes doesn't want it.  Here is how it works. The top corporate bracket is 38% or so.  The HIGHEST in the indu...