The reason I could no longer support Johnson.

Did the title catch you?  I wanted to write a moment, to link an historical event to the events of today.

First, historical.

On this date in 1838, the Governor of Missouri, Lilburn Boggs, issued the Extermination Order, declaring the Mormons a menace, and that they would either be driven out of the state, or killed.  Yes, you read that correctly, driven out or killed.  Governor Bond rescinded the order in 1976.  Missouri was on the frontier, and sparsely populated.  The Mormons were not without blame, posing a political threat to the old citizens.  Of course, after the Mormons were literally driven out of the state, and their leaders taken into custody, no one sought to kill them anymore, so it was symbolic more than anything.  Of course, what happened then does not reflect on the good citizens of Missouri today.

It was a terrible time in the US.  Brother against brother.  Missouri was to become a bloody front in the Civil War.

So why do I mention this horrible event now?

Today religious freedom is under attack.  178 years ago, it was a small group, being pushed around.  Now, all are at risk.  We saw it two years ago in the Hobby Lobby Case.  We have seen it with bakers, photographers, and florists, penalized for refusing to violate their beliefs.  These are individuals, the smallest minority there is.  Churches are starting to look past theology, knowing that basic, and fundamental tenets of faith are under attack, and that we need to band together.

I no longer support Johnson for this reason.  Among others.

The President said that he would not force religions to perform marriages that were contrary to their faith.  I suspect he was lying.  Why?

Senator Tim Kaine, (D-VA) the nominee for Hillary's VP, recently stated that the Catholic Church would have to change its position on Gay Marriage, or it would be have to be banned from the US.  Let me lay that out on its own.

If the Catholic Church doesn't allow gay marriage, IT WILL BE BANNED FROM THE US!

You know what is sad?  He claims to be Catholic.  This is so typical of progressives.  If God is the same yesterday, today and forever, what about His Law?  It doesn't change based on what is popular. today.  Christ had compassion for the adulteress, but His words were to "Go and sin no more".

A Catholic wants to ban Catholicism.   We ARE in a strange place.

Policies like this pushed me to Trump.  You can call me a sellout if you want.


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