Can America win in the debate tonight?

Drudge has the headline correct.  Trump vs The World.

NBC held this footage until their employer's candidate, Hillary Clinton, was soon to reach a no win point.  She did, and after knowingly allowing harassment, and assault in the quest for ratings, have dumped probably only the first of many cuts.

No doubt CNN (Clinton News Network) hosting the debate will do everything possible to paint Trump in a bad light, and will also do their diligence to run cover for Clinton.  We saw it in the VP debate, and have no reason to expect otherwise.

Trump will have to come off; knowledgeable, likable, and be able to answer in a way that will convince people that his vulgarity doesn't matter.  His supporters have demonstrated that they will go to long lengths to excuse his actions.  I get it.  The GOP nominated a bad candidate, and really, they are stuck with him.

So, for the record.  I have mentioned any number of times that if you are an elected Republican, YOU HAVE AN OBLIGATION TO SUPPORT YOUR CANDIDATE!  Your option is to resign from the party, and refuse the funds of the party.

The RNC can go to those up for election this year, and give them an ultimatum.  Support the candidate, or the money dries up.  I know, you are saying that they can't afford to do that in tight races.  Sounds like a lack of principles to me.  But it is politics.

If Trump does poorly, he will continue on, but we will see that people will get off the Trump train like crazy.  I wouldn't even dismiss the possibility of Pence hopping off.  If Trump voluntarily goes, (which I doubt) what does the GOP do?  Ballots are out, some states are already voting.  Can they sub a nominee, like Pence?  Unlikely.  So what are We The People to do, to stop Hillary?

Let me first get the bad out about Johnson.  Oops, spoiler alert,  I guess that I gave away the answer.

He is NOT a small (l) libertarian.  Yes he is running on the Libertarian Party ticket.  What is the difference?

He supports limiting religious freedom.  He hasn't said, but I suspect, that he also supports the Civil Rights act of 1964, which denied to PRIVATE people and businesses the right to choose their customers and employers.  This is my biggest hangup with him.  But in all fairness, with the exception of Rand Paul, most politicians on the national level would agree with that position.

Now the social issues.

I am pro life, pro traditional marriage, for law enforcement.  If you know me, you know that.  But, I think we have tried for too long to force our religious beliefs on others.  While conservatives have been trying to codify these issues into law.  And the left has used that to entrench these issues into our society, to the point that most of them are now they are an integral part of our culture.

Yes, he is pro choice, but so is Trump, no matter the position that takes in the primary.

Gay marriage.  I have probably written more about this than any other subject.  Marriage is a religious rite, not a right.  Government should not be involved, period.  But if so, as long as churches are not forced to change their doctrine on gay marriage, then who cares?

Foreign Policy.  Similar in many ways to Trump.  We need to disengage from wars that are not our concern.  Or, as Rand Paul would say.  Get a declaration of war, and finish it.  These interventions are ridiculous, and there is not justification for it.

Justice reform.  I disagree with the way the President is granting clemency for these "non-violent" offenders.  Was due diligence done on their records to see if any violent crime charge was dismissed in exchange for a plea?  Any reform would have to include that diligence.

Judges.  This is where the Trumpeters lose it.  Not without reason.  But will Trump actually nominate the judges that he says?  He has said that his sister would be a great justice. She is a hard core leftist.  Whom will be nominated by Johnson?  I would hope that they would be strict constitutionalists.  Government minimalists.

I think that if Trump is torpedoed by the debate, that people really need to decide which way they go.
And the RNC really needs to decide what they want to do.

Johnson is on the ballot in all 50 states.  He would fit more in the traditional role of small government GOP.  And if the Republicans hold the Senate and House, then we will see what will happen.

In spite of everything that I disagree with Johnson on, I still think that he is the best candidate, and it will be interesting to watch.


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