Wave the Blue Dress!

I have been thinking all day about the monstrosities that have been revealed in the past few days, and what is to come.

What has astounded me is the vitriol surrounding the Trump people towards those they desperately need.  Not sure that is a good idea.  And scaring away the people that are vital to victory seems like a bad plan to me.

No, Trump is not running for Pastor, Pope, Rabbi, Bishop, or whatever your ecclesiastical authority may be.  I get that.  I also know that we as a nation have been teetering, and that people have shown that they will follow their leader.  We had a big spender in W, and with a GOP congress that had been elected to put the country on a path to fiscal balance, we spent like Democrats. (Reagan said that to compare to Drunken sailors was an insult to the sailors)  Under the divider pretending to be a uniter, we are more divided than ever, the Democrats spent like Democrats, and then the Republicans put up token resistance in 2011 and 2015, but to no avail.  What would a completely morally bankrupt President do to the morality of this nation?  I think that is a fair question.

Of course, to look to the left, is no better.  Hillary will probably try to make some hay out of this 10 year old tape, and whatever else there is coming,  she is a pretty easy target.  Start with the Blue Dress.  I know what you are going to say.  That was Bill.  Not Hillary.  Maybe you are right.  I mean, their marriage has been a political expediency since she had to stop going by Hillary Rodham when he lost his reelection in Arkansas.  But she has to maintain appearances.  Sitting with Bill to not discuss his affair with Gennifer Flowers, to play the victim wife.  Ironic for someone wanting to win the most powerful office in the world.  But it is far darker than that.

Hillary ran the Bimbo hit squad in the White House.  She had investigators chasing these women down, trying to silence them if possible, discrediting them if not.  She attacked them, through surrogates in the WH, as well as in the media.  They allowed her to play the humiliated spouse, trying to defend her husband. from all these attacks.

I am not a woman, and can't comment first hand on how this would make them feel.  For most progressive women, I have seen their ability to completely ignore this deplorable behavior because she, and he before, supported the sacrament of the left, abortion.  As long as she keeps to the left, they will ignore her gender betrayal, because there are bigger fish to fry.

You might ask, how can I support Johnson, and yet point out this deficiency in Trump?  Whole other piece, maybe tomorrow.  In the mean time, Trump does need to wave the blue dress.

For the Trumpeters attacking those of us who would take a stand.  Reconciliation is next to impossible once you cross a certain line.  If you want our support, try to empathize with us, rather than hit us.


  1. I couldn't be more offended by these comments personally and maybe that should be enough to have me sit this one out. However to pretend that Trump is some how unique in his crude behavior or language is completely misleading. There are so many politicians on both sides who have been caught saying and in Bill's case doing so much worse here. You would think the Press has forgotten about guys like Bill Clinton and John Edwards. You'd think John Kennedy was the choir boy everyone pretended during the 60s. This outrage is so typical and overplayed. I knew Trump was a crude jere before I considered voting for him. I just think he may actually do something on immigration and trade. Which is more than I can say for anyone else in the media-political complex. Love your post by the way. Go cougs!


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